BiH leaders must follow up on their commitment and reach a compromise on electoral deadlock

02. May 2018
The European People’s Party (EPP) strongly supports the current facilitation efforst of the EU and US ambassadors to Bosnia and Herzegovina in helping the BiH leaders to find a compromise to allow a new election framework following the recent rulings of the BiH Constitutional Court, particularly with regard to the Federation entity House of Peoples indirect elections. Given the current deadlock, the EPP President Joseph Daul made the following statement: “I have been closely following the recent developments in BiH and I remain deeply concerned about the lack of progress in finding a compromise on the electoral framework. I urge the current political leaders, members of the EPP, to find a compromise for the benefit of their citizens and in the interest of the whole country. They must put the future of the country above party politics or personal interests. During our last joint meeting, I was left reassured by the commitment from the three EPP leaders Bakir Izetbegović (SDA), Dragan Čović (HDZ BiH) and Mladen Ivanić (PDP) in BiH to find a solution to the current electoral impasse. I expect for the BiH leaders, like from any responsible politician, to follow up on their commitments and deliver a compromise as soon as possible. A failure to agree on a compromise on time will have grave consequences. It will damage their credibility in front of their people, it will jeopardize BiH’s path towards the EU, and it will have repercussions within the EPP. EPP always keeps its word towards its people and I expect our leaders in BiH to do the same.”

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