EPP leaders tackle migration challenges ahead of European Council and EPP Congress in Madrid

23. September 2015
The leaders of the European People’s Party (EPP) gathered for a Summit today in Brussels, just prior to the meeting of the European Council. The EPP’s EU heads of state and government and opposition leaders held an in-depth discussion on the migration crisis and the solutions Europe needs to overcome this challenge. The President of the EPP, Joseph Daul, stated following the Summit: “Of the many challenges we are facing in Europe right now, the migration crisis is the most pressing, and we as responsible politicians must deliver the right solutions. This is a complex and immense challenge which is truly European—it affects all of us and we need to find a common solution that works from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean, and from the Black Sea to the Atlantic. It is crucial that we work together and remain united.” “We must start by finding a European solution to securing our external EU borders, which means finding a European approach to border control and strengthening our European agencies, such as Frontex. We are and will remain committed to helping those in need, but we must ensure the security of our citizens as our first priority. As the largest political force in Europe, the EPP will lead the way in this process, including during next week’s EPP Congress in Madrid, where we will put forward comprehensive proposals to overcome the challenges this crisis has presented. EPP representatives in the European institutions—the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission—will work closely together to find solutions.” “Finally, the leaders at today’s Summit congratulated Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho on the results of the Portuguese general elections on 4 October. We expressed our hope that the PSD/CDS-PP, as the winners of this election, will not be stripped of their win and that they will be able to form a government. The sacrifices made by the people of Portugal must not be jeopardised by a government composed of anti-EU and anti-NATO parties,” the EPP President concluded.

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