EPP Agriculture Ministers, co-chaired by Sari ESSAYAH, Finnish Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, and Konstantinos TSIARAS, Greek Minister of Agricultural Development and Food, met today in Brussels to prepare the upcoming Agriculture and Fisheries (AGRIFISH) Council. The co-chairs warmly welcomed, as a special guest, Paschal DONOHOE, co-chair of the EPP ECOFIN ministers’ meetings, President of the Eurogroup, and Minister for Finance of Ireland.
The ministers emphasized the strategic role of agriculture in ensuring overall security and agreed that the "EU Vision for Agriculture and Food", published by the European Commission, provides a strong foundation for the next Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post-2027.
They highlighted the importance of a clear political framework for the future CAP, noting that sufficient funding under the new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) is essential to meet commitments made to farmers.
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Czesław Adam SIEKIERSKI provided an update on the current issues from the perspective of the Polish presidency. The ministers then exchanged views on the primary challenges their member states are facing. They welcomed the simplification packages proposed by the European Commission, and stressed the need for further simplification measures to ensure food security, reduce the administrative burden on farmers, promote generational renewal, and address the needs and challenges in rural areas.
Finally, EPP Group MEP Alexander BERNHUBER introduced the newly launched associated entity of EPP Farmers, a central platform for agricultural and rural issues within the EPP. This initiative aims to strengthen cooperation between agricultural associations and policymakers, provide a strong voice for farming within center-right policies at both European and national levels, and ensure that agricultural concerns are effectively represented within the EPP. Additionally, it seeks to enhance the exchange and collaboration between national Parliament members, Members of the European Parliament, Ministers of Agriculture, and national party members involved in agricultural policy.