EPP Foreign Affairs Ministers, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Antonio TAJANI and EPP Vice-President David McALLISTER MEP, met this morning in Brussels to prepare the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) agenda. Radoslaw SIKORSKI, the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, was warmly welcomed into the group. European Commission Vice-President Margaritis SCHINAS gave an overview of the current priorities of the Commission. Ministers exchanged views on the ongoing brutal Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. They strongly supported the need to guarantee EU’s long-term military and financial assistance to Kyiv ahead of the Special European Council to be held on 1 February. Furthermore, the situation in the Middle East and the ongoing Israel – Hamas war featured high on the ministers’ agenda. The participants examined the risk of a regional spillover of the conflict and its implications for the EU, as well as possible steps to re-initiate the Middle East Peace Process. Finally, Ministers touched upon the importance of keeping the EU accession process and the regional stability of the Western Balkans visible on EU’s agenda.

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Deputy Spokesperson

+32 471 90 76 84



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+32 471 90 76 35
