EPP Political Assembly meets in Brussels

05. September 2023
Members of the European People’s Party (EPP) gathered in Brussels on 4-5 September for a meeting of the Political Assembly. Chaired by EPP President Manfred Weber and EPP Secretary General Thanasis Bakolas, delegates discussed recent electoral campaigns of EPP member parties, the EPP’s social and demography agenda, as well as the party’s planning for the European Parliament elections in 2024.
Following the recommendation of the EPP Presidency, delegates voted to hold the EPP Congress in 2024 in Bucharest, Romania, co-hosted by member party Partidul Național Liberal (PNL).
The Political Assembly adopted two ordinary resolutions. The first, entitled “Holding generations together in an Ageing Society”, was presented by Vice-President of the European Commission and EPP Vice-President Dubravka Šuica. The second, called ”Bridge the gap: our social agenda for all Europeans” was presented by EPP Vice President and MEP Esther de Lange. An emergency resolution, tabled by Nea Demokratia (Greece), on the Rule of Law in Albania, was also adopted.
Delegates welcomed the Icelandic Independence Party as an associate member.
The Political Assembly also discussed the current developments with the inhumane practices of Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh such as blocking the Lachin corridor, and demanded the release of all political prisoners, especially of the vice president of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Armen Ashotyan. Additionally, delegates expressed their strong support to the democratic forces of Belarus and their European Union aspirations.

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