EPP Political Assembly tackles migration, prepares EPP Congress, and upgrades two member parties

19. January 2016
The Political Assembly of the European People's Party (EPP) has concluded a two-day meeting in Brussels, which focused in particular on the migration crisis, as well as the preparations for the upcoming EPP 2015 Statutory Congress in Madrid. The representatives of the EPP member parties and associations held an extensive discussion on the ongoing migration crisis, with all participants agreeing that only a European response can deal with this crisis. Different solutions were discussed, which will be tabled during the next EPP Ministerial Meetings. As the migration crisis is one of the most serious challenges Europe is currently facing, it will also be a topic of focus at the upcoming EPP 2015 Statutory Congress, which will take place on 21 and 22 October in Madrid. Hosted by EPP member party Partido Popular, the Congress will include approximately 2,000 delegates and guests. More information on the Congress is available at a dedicated website: http://madrid2015.epp.eu/. Moreover, the Political Assembly voted to upgrade the membership status of two current EPP parties, the Democratic Party (DP) of Albania and the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (VMSZ) of Serbia. Both parties, which had previously been observer members, will now have associate member status within the EPP.

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Deputy Spokesperson

+32 471 90 76 84



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+32 471 90 76 35
