EPP Finance Ministers, chaired by Valdis DOMBROVSKIS, Commissioner for Economy and Productivity, Implementation and Simplification (Latvia), and Paschal DONOHUE, President of the Eurogroup and Minister of Finance of Ireland met this morning in Brussels to prepare today’s Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) Council agenda. They welcomed Temenoujka PETKOVA, Minister of Finance of Bulgaria, in their group. Ministers discussed the “omnibus package” which focuses on reducing regulatory hurdles and boosting innovation across Member States and reaffirmed the need for sound public finances. They also assessed the current economic situation in the Member States, underscoring the importance of reducing bureaucratic burdens and fostering innovation and engaged in a discussion on trade and tariffs with non-EU countries. Finally, ministers had a debate on the state-of-play of the economic and financial impact of Russia’s continuous war of aggression against Ukraine.

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