The European People’s Party (EPP) will hold its Congress on 29-30 April 2025 at the Feria de Valencia. Co-hosted by Partido Popular (PP), the Congress will serve as a moment of unity for our political family – at a time when the EPP leadership seeks to chart the course for the coming years.
The Congress will elect the new EPP Presidency, including the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary General and Treasurer. Further information will be shared closer to the event and some practical details are available on the dedicated website
Journalists wishing to attend the EPP Congress must register by 17 April 2025 at 21:00 via the following e-form: Late registrations will not be accepted.
Media ID requirements
Journalists must have a valid form of media identification to gain access to the Congress venue, in the form of either national press ID card or European Council press accreditation badge. Additionally, journalists must bring their passport or National ID card.
Those that do not hold a valid press ID must, in advance, send a scanned letter to Emilie Aakervik at, signed by the editor-in-chief of their media organisation that confirms their status as a journalist and states they are covering the EPP Congress for the aforementioned media outlet.

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For more information contact:


Alexandra Henman

Deputy Spokesperson

+32 471 90 76 84


Angelos Athanasopoulos

National and Regional Press Director

+32 471 90 76 35