EPP Political Assembly prepares party Congress, welcomes three new members parties

10. September 2019
The European People’s Party (EPP) Political Assembly (PA) met in Brussels on 9-10 September to discuss political developments in member states, the incoming European Commission, priorities for the current European Parliament mandate  and preparations for the upcoming EPP Congress in Zagreb. EPP’s political family continues to grow. The members of the PA welcomed SPOLU, who will reinforce the centre-right in Slovakia and defend our values in the country. Regarding EPP membership from outside the European Union, the Bosniak Party of Montenegro has joined as an Associate Member Party and European Solidarity from Ukraine as Observer Member Party. In view of the upcoming party Congress on 20 and 21 November in Zagreb, the members of the EPP Political Assembly adopted the composition of the Congress, the Congress regulations, the voting regulation and reviewed the programme.

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Alexandra Henman

Deputy Spokesperson

+32 471 90 76 84



Angelos Athanasopoulos

National and Regional Press Director

+32 471 90 76 35
